Chloe Ayling

Las mejores fotos y vídeos de Chloe Ayling desnuda, en bikini, en topless.

Cara de Chloe Ayling

Chloe Ayling

Nació en Reino Unido el 14 de junio de 1997 (Edad: 26 años)
Tamaño total de las fotos: 24.88 Mb
Última actualización:
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The abduction of Chloe Ayling occurred in July 2017 while Ayling, a British page 3 model, had travelled to Milan, Italy for a fake photo-shoot. There, she was abducted by two individuals claiming to be members of a criminal organisation called The Black Death Group. In June 2018, Łukasz Herba, a Polish national from the United Kingdom, was convicted in a Milan court of the kidnapping and sentenced to 16 years and nine months in prison.

In 2021, the 16-year sentence of Michał Herba was reduced on appeal to 5 years and 8 months. The sentence of Łukasz Herba had already been reduced, in 2020, to 12 years and 1 month.

Más información en la Wikipedia.

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Hay 1 vídeo de Chloe Ayling.

Valoración: 82%
Duración: 0:33

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